Fried Wonton : Pangsit Goreng

how to make fried wonton
Fried Wonton

Today I made Fried Wonton or Pangsit Goreng as one of our side dishes. Making Fried Wonton is not so complicated. The only problem is how to wrap/fold the ingredients with the Wonton wrap.  But, don't worry, it's just simple!

How to make Fried Wonton:

  • 100 grams of Ground Shrimps/Pork/Chicken
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1-2 tbsp of Sesame oil
  • 1-2 tbsp corn starch
  • 1 pack of Wonton Wrap (you can find it in Asian Grocery)
Mixed well all the ingredients above and you may taste it first, by stir-frying "a pinch" of the ingredients. And add any Salt/Pepper/Sesame oil or the cornstarch if you think you need it more. The next step is wrapping or folding the Wonton. I don't have the picture of wrapping process but I will add them soonest.

Tips to make Fried Wonton:

  • adding Cornstarch will make Fried wonton crunchy but this is optional. 
  • Do not over-fill the Wonton wrap, but just fine.
  • fry in medium heat for shrimp wonton, and low heat for chicken/pork wonton.
  • Make sure the meat or ingredients are properly cooked and well done.
  • wonton wrap
    Wonton Wrap
  • If the leftover Wonton Wrap becomes "soggy" and not crispy anymore, you may put them in the toaster and set for medium heat (350F) for 5 minutes. Or in a small oven with "toast" mode.
Fried Wonton
Pangsit Goreng - Fried Wonton
Enjoy the Fried Wonton! :)

Click My Video on how to wrap a wonton

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