Stir Fry Chicken Broccoli with Tofu and Mushroom

chicken broccoli with tofu and mushroom
Chicken Broccoli 
This stir fry Chicken Broccoli with Tofu and Mushroom recipe is another combination of Stir Fry vegetables or Cap Cay. This stir fry Chicken Broccoli with Tofu and Mushroom is so simple and easy to make.

Fast cooking dish but healthy, for sure. Just like common Chinese food dishes, this simple recipe uses simple ingredient and spice such as Garlic. 

Stir fry Chicken :

  • Mushroom, you may pick canned mushroom or fresh one, it's up to your choice.
  • Medium Tofu, cut it into small rectangular size and fry it before you make the dish
  • Fresh Broccoli :)
  • 100 grams chicken breast or thigh, cut into small pieces
  • dissolve 1 tsp cornstarch in 1 cup of water
  • 1 tbsp Oyster sauce
  • salt and pepper
  • minced Garlic
  • 1-2 tbsp Canola Oil for frying

Broccoli with tofu and mushroom

First, fry the chicken breast or thigh and make sure they are well cooked but not overcooked. In the same pan, spare a space to fry the minced garlic and make sure the garlic is also well cooked (you could smell the aroma of Garlic when it's done).
Put Broccoli and mushroom, stir them evenly.  Add Oyster Sauce as well as the dissolved corn flour then taste the cooking. If you think you need more salt, then add salt. Remember that Oyster Sauce is salty and don't make your gorgeous cooking tastes like "sea-water" :)  Finally, put the tofu. You have to put the tofu as a final "frontier", because tofu is soft and easily broken.

Happy Cooking!
See Other Recipe : Egg Tofu with Bean Sprout
Copyright of Winda Tanu
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