Tasty Chicken Souvlaki : Chicken Skewers Or Chicken Satay

Chicken Satay
Chicken Satay

In Indonesia, we call it Sate Ayam, in Canada I used to hear people call it  Chicken Satay or Chicken Skewers and when visiting Greek Festival, I heard people called them as Chicken Souvlaki. Well, whatever the name(s) is,  Chicken Souvlaki or Chicken Skewers or Chicken Satay, taste delicious.
Herewith, the tasty Chicken Satay recipe:

Chicken Satay Recipe:

  • 1-2 lbs chicken fillets. Breast fillets will make a tender Chicken Satay while thigh Chicken fillets will make  "more crunchy" Chicken Satay.
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • sweet soy sauce
  • salt and pepper
  • 1-2 tbsp canola oil for brushing the skewers while being broiled/BBQ
  • BBQ sticks

How to make Chicken Satay:

  • Cut the fillets into pieces  and thread the Chicken fillets in BBQ sticks/skewer one by one and marinated them in sweet soy sauce (with minced garlic) for about 1 night. Do not forget to add salt and pepper. You may put them in sealed plastik/ziplock or another sealed container.
  • BBQ them, or you may broil or grill them in the oven.
  • Don't forget to put canola oil or butter (if you like) to brush the chicken skewers when you grill them so the Chicken Satay will not get "dry" but juicy instead. Do not over-grilled.
  • When you bake or broil or grill the Chicken Satay, you can use your favorite BBQ sauce. As for me, my favorite BBQ sauce is Teriyaki Baste and Glaze from Kikkoman.
  • how to make chicken satay
    Chicken Skewers
  • Make the peanut sauce (optional).  You could make peanut sauce from peanut butter jam.
Making Peanut Sauce from Peanut Butter Jam:
  • Put the peanut butter jam (plain taste) on the pan, add 1-2 tbsp water
  • Add sweet soy sauce (optional)
  • Let them boil just a little bit. Do not over-cooked. 
chicken skewer
Chicken Satay with spices

Enjoy !! :)
Other Recipes : Japanese Egg Tofu with Shrimp
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