Pao de Queijo Recipe : Brazilian Cheese Bread

Brazilian Cheese Bread
Pao De Queijo 
First time I ate this Pao de Queijo, small-spongy-delicious snack was at somebody's house while we had family gathering. And I fell in love at once! The cheesy bread smell, fluffy and spongy texture of this Brazilian Cheese Bread is so perfect and not- making guilty snack-if you just have it for 1 or 2 bites!
Then, I searched and tried some Pao de Queijo's recipes from internet, and of course, some of them failed. The bread did not pop up, or it popped up but then suddenly went down and became hard.. But, after trying many times and found the clues, herewith, I am sharing the recipe that I looked once in the internet (the best recipes among others) completed with tips and tricks based on my cooking experience.

How to Make Brazilian Cheese Bread: 

For 1 batch (24 pieces with mini muffin mould).  If you follow the steps one by one, you won't fail. Trust me :)

1 cup milk
1/4 cup canola oil
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups Tapioka Flour
2 eggs (at room temperature) if you put the eggs in the refrigerator, let the eggs in the room temperature at least 4 hours before cooking.
1 up to 1.5 cups Parmesan cheese

Tips when making Pao de Queijo :

  • Boil milk, canola and salt until a bit bubbly, then lift up from the stove. 
  • Pour Tapioka Flour to the boiling ingredients and stir them well. The batter will be a bit sticky, but you have to be patience to make them completely mix well. So, keep stirring :) - using spoon. After the batter completely mixed, let it rest.
  • While the batter is resting, grease the cooking pan with cooking oil. I usually use small mini size muffin mold.  
  • Turn on the oven at 425F (warming up the oven). 
  • Mix the batter for about 3 minutes to cool the batter down and release the heat from the batter, then put eggs into the batter one by one (one after the other completely mixed) for this process, use mixer and never simply stir them with spoon or whisk. 
  • Put Parmesan cheese into the batter and mix them well. 
  • Pour the batter into the muffin mold. 
  • Put the batter into the oven and immediately lower the oven temperature to 350F. Bake them for 30 minutes. After 10 minutes, you may see that the bread pop up. 
  • Turn off the oven AND DO NOT OPEN the oven, but let the Pao de Queijo still in the oven for another 10 minutes. 
  • After 10 minutes, you may take the delicious bread from the oven and cool them on the rack and enjoy the delicious-fresh-cheese bread :)
While baking, never ever open the oven. Do not disturb the baking process.
For 1 batch of this recipe, you can enjoy 24 mini Pao De Queijo (with mini muffin mold).  Enjoy!


Thanks to Metroland Media which had published my Pao De Queijo's Recipe in their Holiday Recipes 2016's edition.
pao de queijo recipes
Metroland Media Holiday Recipe 2016
See Other Snacks : Easy English Crumpet Recipe
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