Simple Meatloaf Recipe

simple meatloaf recipe
Simple Meatloaf Recipe
Today I made Simple Meatloaf. And the reason for making Meatloaf,  because I was so lazy, and moreover, the lean ground beef are on sale. Meatloaf is super easy to make. While some recipes use packed Meatloaf's spices, this Meatloaf recipe, I only used Salt, Pepper, Soy Sauce and BBQ Sauce.

Meatloaf Recipe:  

  • 400-450 gr Ground Beef
  • Salt, Pepper, Soy sauce, 2-3 tbsp of Kikkoman Baste and Glaze Sauce
  • 1/2 cup of Bread Crumbs
  • 1 tbsp of sesame oil
  • Chopped Onions
  • Chopped Carrots
baking meatloaf with rack
Baking Meatloaf

How to cook Meatloaf:

  • Mix and stir all ingredients above except Kikkoman Steak Sauce
  • Bake at 350F for 18 minutes
  • After 18 minutes, brush Kikkoman Steak Sauce all over the meatloaf and bake again for another 10 minutes.
  • Add steamed Carrots, sauteed Asparagus, Beans, Broccoli, Green Beans or other your favorite Veggies.
  • You can use your favorite brand Steak's sauce or gravy sauce for this delicious Meatloaf.
It's normal to have dripping fluids from the meat's fat when baking meatloaf. If you don't have Meatloaf's baking pan, you can use Aluminium foil sheet or Baking Paper with rack and put flat or cookie's pan underneath the rack to collect the dripping Meatloaf's fat.

Happy Cooking! :)

Other  Recipes : Sapo Tofu With Mixed Vegetables

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